The one with the blue pearl CHEFCHAOUEN

2 May 2017

I’m aliiiive !!! hooraaaay 

First, a disclaimer: this is not a city guide, I suck at those, so much, it’s basically me rambling, and a LOT of pictures of the city, me and my cute new hat.

My fiancé came last week for a visit and for other boring wedding related stuff, and we went to visit the blue city: Chefchaouen. This is my second time visiting this piece of paradise on earth and it won’t be the last.

Now, because I’m a sleepy head and I need 2 hours to get ready, we arrived at around 3pm. We had a delicious lunch right away because I was starving and I was getting real cranky, and that is no fun for anyone, am I right? 

Then we started exploring the beautiful place starting with the Kasbah museum working our way through the maze like alleys in the old medina painted all shades of blue with secret doors to locals’ homes, passing by colorful shops selling everything from herbs and spices to handmade leather goods and happy rainbowy rugs, to finally get to the natural source of water Ras El Ma. Aaaaahh it was magical!  

Now why is it blue? Something to do with mosquitos or Hitler ¯\_()_/¯. I have no idea!


HAT: Parfois | BACKPACK: from Chefchaouen many years ago | DRESS: Zara (similar here) | PANTS: Zara (similar here) | TRAINERS: Adidas (similar here) | WATCH: Michael Kors 

Thank you for stopping by and see you in the next post! 

Au revoir J 

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